Impact Forum


Join the IIF24:
The Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum (IIF) 2024, cura­ted by Ger­man invest­ment power­house Neon Equi­ty, is a pio­nee­ring initia­ti­ve focu­sed on fos­te­ring impactful invest­ments within the Envi­ron­men­tal, Social, and Gover­nan­ce (ESG) land­scape. Set to launch on March 14, 2024, in Frank­furt am Main, this inau­gu­ral event marks the begin­ning of a series of con­fe­ren­ces span­ning Euro­pe and the Midd­le East.

What to Expect:
At the heart of IIF lies the con­ver­gence of inves­tors, capi­tal mar­kets, and visio­na­ry busi­nesses dedi­ca­ted to cata­ly­zing sus­tainable chan­ge. Estee­med spea­k­ers like Tho­mas Olek (CEO, Neon Equi­ty) and Dr. Andre­as Rickert (CEO, Phi­neo, form­er­ly World Bank), along­side other indus­try lumi­na­ries, will share insights and explo­re dyna­mic invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Why Attend:
The IIF pro­mi­ses enga­ging panel dis­cus­sions, exclu­si­ve net­wor­king ses­si­ons, and the for­ma­ti­on of an ESG invest­ment com­mu­ni­ty, all aimed at cul­ti­vat­ing col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons and impactful invest­ments. Atten­dance is free, thanks to the gene­rous spon­sor­ship of Neon Equi­ty and other indus­try lea­ders.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet ade­pi­scing elit aene­an mas­sa. Con­sec­te­tuer ade­pi­scing Mas­sa Lorem.