Get rea­dy for the second edi­ti­on of the Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum, coming to Mona­co and proud­ly hos­ted with UNA TER­RA and the Prin­ce
Albert II of Mona­co Foun­da­ti­on.

After a suc­cessful debut in 2024 in Frank­furt, whe­re over 300 guests gathe­red along­side distin­gu­is­hed spea­k­ers, the IIF is set to make an impact on the Côte d’A­zur on March 7, 2025. At the heart of the IIF is a uni­que con­nec­tion bet­ween inves­tors, entre­pre­neurs, the capi­tal mar­ket, and visio­na­ry pro­jects com­mit­ted to dri­ving sus­tainable chan­ge.

Estee­med spea­k­ers — inclu­ding Oli­vi­er Wen­den, Vice Pre­si­dent and Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer of the Prin­ce Albert II of Mona­co Foun­da­ti­on, Dr. Oth­mar Karas, for­mer First Vice-Pre­si­dent of the EU Par­lia­ment, ten­nis super­star Domi­nic Thiem and many others will offer valuable insights into sus­tainable inves­t­ing, ope­ning new per­spec­ti­ves for inves­tors and enthu­si­asts ali­ke.



Time Slot Speaker Topic
10.00 15min Olivier Wenden Welcome to IIF25, Monaco Edition
10.15 30min Dr. Othmar Karas The EU Green Deal
10.45 30min Luca Zerbini Building a circular economy
11.15 15min Coffee Break & Networking
11.30 30min Mohamed Al Hosani Abu Dhabi’s Sustainable Masterplan
12.00 30min Panel Discussion The Sustainability Challenge of our time
12.30 30min Ole Nixdorff Building an Impact Investing Powerhouse
13.00 60min Lunch Break & Networking
14.00 30min Prof. Dr. Holger Till AI and Robotic Surgery
14.30 30min Dominic Thiem Thiem Energy - A Energy Community role model
15.00 30min Panel Discussion Sustainable Venture Capital
15.30 15min Coffee Break & Networking
15.45 30min Tim Nixdorff EcoMotion - The Future of Parking
16.15 30min Michael Kien & Dr. Philipp Berkessy Green Encoded - Digitization of a sustainable future
16.45 15min Ole Nixdorff & TBA Closing IIF Monaco Edition & Outlook
17.00 Drinks & Impact Investing Get Together


The Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum 2025 will take place at Le Méri­di­en Mona­co. This pres­ti­gious venue, known for its stun­ning Medi­ter­ra­ne­an views and world-class faci­li­ties, pro­vi­des the per­fect set­ting for inspi­ring dis­cus­sions, net­wor­king, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on.

Join us in Mona­co to con­nect with glo­bal lea­ders, inno­va­tors, and chan­ge­ma­kers as we shape the future of impact-dri­ven solu­ti­ons.


Early Bird Tickets

Till Febru­ary 23rd | 350 EUR

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Regular Tickets

From Febru­ary 23rd | 450 EUR

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Fol­lo­wing our kick-off event in Mona­co, the Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum 2025 will con­ti­nue across three more key loca­ti­ons throug­hout the year. In June, we return to Frank­furt, our home base, to bring tog­e­ther thought lea­ders and indus­try pio­neers. In Sep­tem­ber, we head to Vien­na, a city known for its rich histo­ry and inno­va­ti­ve spi­rit. Final­ly, in Octo­ber, the forum will take place in the vibrant metro­po­lis of Abu Dha­bi, offe­ring a uni­que plat­form for glo­bal impact dis­cus­sions.

More details on each event will be announ­ced soon — stay tun­ed!